Elliot Higger photographs a person in National Park Service uniform on rocks at the edge of the sea

Visiting artist Elliot Higger

Elliot Higger is a filmmaker, photographer, and community workshop facilitator. In Spring 2021 she created environmental portraits of Second Century Stewardship fellows, part of a community arts residency for the Maryland Institute College of Art MFA program.

Updated “profile” photographs are an often overlooked but important aspect of communicating science, helping to show who scientists are and what “doing science” looks like. Whether a selfie or taken by a professional, photos convey that science is people.

Higger is a 2011 graduate of Emerson College with an undergraduate degree in filmmaking, concentration in cinematography, and minor in photography. In 2011, she started Sunny Mind Productions to tangibly address social issues, especially prejudice, stemming from the misrepresentation of people and ideas. Sunny Mind prioritizes self and collaborative representation processes. Elliot’s films have been shown at Fenway Park, The TD Bank North Garden, National Park visitor centers, building re-designs, community events, and social actions.

She has taught video production or photography in youth development at Sociedad Latina in Boston and Wide Angle Youth Media in Baltimore, community centers, as a park ranger, and in adult continuing education at Harvard University Extension School. Elliot is practiced in facilitating groups through experiential learning outdoors with a video production, photography, or Outward Bound toolkit. More of her work can be seen at www.elliothigger.com.